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Beechcraft Manuals
Airframe - Propeller
Raytheon Technical Publications Department has available Parts, Shop and Maintenance manuals. Search list of available publications for your specific model Search Also available are Service Bulletins, Service Instructions and Service Letters, Pilot Operating Handbooks etc.
Raytheon Technical Publications Department If you have any questions or comments concerning Technical Publications, please email or call 800.796.2665 or 316. 676.8238 |
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Teledyne Continental Motors
Engine & Accessories
There are a variety of engine related manuals. The specific engine parts and overhaul manuals are sometimes available from TCM. However TCM provides little to very limited support of the E-series engines and The E-series Engine manuals are more easily obtainable from third party sources. Below is a listing of manuals that exist. Also listing of Service Bulletins etc are available from TCM including a online searchable SB's list.
Engine - E-Series Operator's Manual
Engine - E-Series Parts Manual
Engine - E-Series Overhaul Manual
Engine - Accessory - Bendix Magnetos
Engine - Accessory - Bendix PS Series Carburetor
Engine - Accessory - Bendix E-80 Starter
Engine - Accessory - Thompson Fuel Pump
Engine - Accessory - Generator
Engine - Accessory - Jasco Alternator Manual
Link of interest
This Navion web site has useful manuals related to the Bonanza such as engine, engine accessories, propeller etc.
The FAA Form 337 is required anytime you have performed a MAJOR REPAIR and/or MAJOR ALTERATION. If you are not sure whether the maintenance that is being performed will be considered a Major Repair/Alteration, look at Appendix A of FAR Part 43 and the definitions of Major Repair/Alteration in FAR Part 1. (Also see question #2, How is a major alteration determined?)
A common misconception is that FAA Form 337 replaces the required maintenance record entry. This is not true. FAA Form 337 does not replace the maintenance record entry required by FAR Part 43. The last paragraph of Section 43.9(a)(4) states "In addition to the entry required by this paragraph, major repairs and major alterations shall be entered on a form, and the form disposed of, in the manner prescribed in appendix B, by the person performing the work." So, according to the regulations, a maintenance record entry is required even after performing a major repair or major alteration.
Another misconception is that a work order can be used in place of FAA Form 337. According to FAR Part 43, Appendix B, FAA certificated repair stations may use their work order in place of FAA Form 337 for major repairs only.
If you have any questions concerning FAA Form 337, contact your local FSDO.
The complete article can be found in the April 1999 issue of the Long Beach FSDO Airworthiness News Release. There are other interesting articles available for your viewing pleasure.
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