Refurbish existing panel

If you are wanting to repair or recondition your existing panel then this page can help provide the resources for that.

wpe4.gif (159946 bytes)

Here is a view of an original panel with descriptions 

Beech Interior Paint Color Part Numbers

beech_interior_colors_pg1.gif (54904 bytes)      beech_interior_colors_pg2.gif (40640 bytes)

Click on above thumbnail to enlarge

I prefer to use SEM Aerosol cans. Can purchase online from 

Interior paint

Use SEM Aerosol    
Can purchase through VINYL-PRO of WESTERN PA

SEM Home page 

Instrument panel
Mvc-781f.jpg (116242 bytes)

The original instrument panel is butchered pretty good. Possibilities include rehabilitating existing panel or upgrading to STC'd replacement.


Rehab a panel:

This can be done at your local AP/IA service center and a friendly FSDO office. The original Beech configuration of hardware included a sub-panel that supported the heavy antique gyro's. Considerable weight savings can be obtained by just updating the instruments and or avionics. 


Replace old instruments, switches, breakers, structure for increased weight savings. 

Arrange instruments into modern configurations.


Picture Gallery of Instrument Panels

Who can repair my original instruments ?